Are you...

An ambitious professional who is busy but motivated ? 

Feeling stuck with your English? 

Trying to progress past A2/B1 but need support? 

Comparing yourself to your colleagues? 

Focusing on your mistakes? Being hard on yourself? 

Frustrated that your English level doesn't match your professional goals/status? 

Lacking confidence to speak? 

Excited to try something new? 

What are students saying? 

🌿Joanna, tu es au top de l innovation, c'est chouette d'avoir de nouvelles idées, chercher le meilleur de nous même, avec grande bienveillance

🌿Très à l'écoute des besoins personnels, on est à l'aise, l'anglais devient attractif

🌿Working with Joanna was a  pleasure. She was patient. We had fun. She was able to adapt to my work schedule and my level.  

🌿Now, I can have discussions in my job in English. I feel more confortable. If I want to progress again, I should practice English...I still need you to have some challenges 

🌿Now I don't hesitate to talk 

🌿I speak and i understand more quickly

🌿More confidence for talking. Speaking spontaneously

🌿C'est tout à fait différent du milieu scolaire que j'ai connu, on n'est pas jugé et on a envie de parler anglais

🌿J ai recherché une prof d anglais patiente amusante qui s adapte à mon emploi du tps à mon métier à mes  contraintes et qui m a fait parler un max. Joanna a été parfaite . Thanks Joanna. Nice to meet you teacher. 

🌿Joanna est très motivée pour faire progresser, imaginative pour varier les méthodes, donne confiance (très important), souriante (important aussi !) 

🌿Now I go into situations more confident and confortable with my English. Thanks to you and our specific dialogues (my topics) I can speak more fluenlyt with my own vocabulary.

🌿Confidence , fear disappeared !!!